Asturias Cheeses Route
The Route of the Cheeses allows visitors to discover many of the more than forty types of cheeses made in Asturias, visiting cheese producers, dairy farms and mountain pastures to enjoy a unique experience.

Countries and regions |
Spain - Asturias |
Description Information in local language
Ruta de los quesos y de la lechería
A través de la Ruta de los quesos y la lechería se ofrece la posibilidad de conocer el proceso de elaboración de las distintas variedades de quesos que se producen en Asturias (más de 40), sin duda la mancha quesera más importante de toda Europa.
Repartidas por todo el territorio las queserías artesanas permiten a los visitantes descubrir el proceso de elaboración de las distintas variedades y probar in situ alguno de los tesoros gastronómicos de la región y del país. Cuatro variedades cuentan con D.O.P. (Cabrales, Gamonéu, Afuega'l Pitu y Casín), y una con I.G.P. (Beyos), pero además de estas existen muchas otras que sorprenderán por su extraordinario sabor y calidad.
Quesos de una sola leche o de mezcla de tres leches, frescos o curados, ahumados o madurados en cueva, azules o con pimentón, amasados o prensados.... el universo quesero asturiano abarca practicamente todas las posibles variedades y tipologías.
Además de las visitas a las queserías en algunos entornos se puede participar en rutas guiadas que ayudarán a descubrir tanto el medio natural y la tradición cultural que dió lugar a estos singulares productos, o entrar en contacto con los animales de granja y el proceso productivo de la leche que da lugar a los distintos qu esos.
Asturias is one of the regions of Spain which produces most milk and, without doubt, one that can boast the best quality too. When it comes to cheeses, Asturias is the principal producing region in Spain and one of its nicknames is the “Country of 40 cheeses” although in reality there are over 50 varieties.
Amongst the different types of cheeses produced in Asturias, four have been awarded Protected Denomination of Origin (DOP), Cabrales, Gamoneu, Afuega’l pitu and Casín, while another, Los Beyos has been awarded Protected Geographical Indicator (IGP). However, aside from these best known varieties there are many other, some from just one sort of milk, other from a mixture of milks, pasteurised or from untreated milk, blue or white, creamy or dry, smoked or fresh, something to suit the tastes of everyone.
Following the Route of the Cheeses visitors can enjoy the beautiful Asturian landscape, dotted with cows, sheep and goats admire the villages and their still-living culture and traditions and enjoy unforgettable experiences with the dairy farmers and cheese producers who will show you the secrets of pasture, animal husbandry, milk production and cheese making.
In these visits you can get to know the processes involved in the production of the different varieties of cheese. You can get to know a traditional dairy farm and learn how the locals live in the country, try a glass of fresh milk, still warm from the cow, visit cheese producers and, of course, try dozen of types of different cheeses.
Links of interest
Website Asturias Gastronomy |
Facebook Page of Asturias Gastronomy |
Video Gallery of Asturias Gastronomy |
Picture Gallery of Asturias Gastronomy |