The Great Fish Day
The Great Fish day is an annual festival in the town of Dalvík (Municipality of Dalvíkurbyggð). Fish producers and other members of the society invite guests to a sea food buffet between 11:00 am and 17:00 pm at the harbour in Dalvík. The objective is to get as many people as possible together to taste fish and enjoy a good day in Dalvík.
When | Friday, 8 August, 2014 - 00:00 to Sunday, 10 August, 2014 - 00:00 |
Country | Iceland |
Region | North Iceland |
City | Dalvík |
Address | |
Description Information in local language
Fiskidagurinn Mikli
Fiskverkendur og fleiri framtakssamir í byggðarlaginu bjóða, með hjálp góðra styrktaraðila, landsmönnum öllum upp á dýrindis fiskrétti, milli kl. 11:00 og 17:00 á laugardeginum Matseðilinn breytist ár frá ári þó ávallt sé boðið upp á ákveðna vinsæla rétti. Öllum réttum fylgja brauð og drykkir eins og hver getur í sig látið. Vináttukeðjan er hugljúf dagskrá á sviði við kirkjuna á föstudeginum þar er tónlist, skemmtun, friðardúfum sleppt og risaknús í lokin til að leggja línurnar fyrir helgina.
The Great Fish Day has been a very successful event and during the first eight years, a total of 200,000 guests have taken part in this fabulous village feast. While enjoying the free fish guests can enjoy various entertainments at the harbour.
Every year there is a versatile menu with new dishes on offer alongside the traditional ones. Among the traditional courses are: a fresh Japanese shrimp, herring and home made whole wheat bread with Icelandic butter, fresh shrimp salad with vegetables and dried fish with Icelandic butter.
On the longest barbecue in Iceland, grilled fish burgers are served with bread and sauce. The barbecue is really an assembly line with 20 gas burners and it is 8 meters long. A total of 12 grill stations are located at sight where one can try grilled fish such as haddock, cod, salmon, redfish, salt cod and cat fish marinated in different ingredients. All these courses come with bread and beverages.
The entertainment is diverse, for example a fish exhibition where multiple fish species are on show, cruise at the fjord, art shows, street theatre and music of all kinds is on the stage throughout the day.
Source: The official Gateway to Iceland -
Links of interest
The Great Fish Day Official Site |
The Official Tourism Information Site of Iceland |