Kravji Bal
Kravji Bal is the greatest fest of Bohinj’s municipality. It’s a traditional event that has been presenting over the last 60 years the local tradition, habbits, food and artifacts. It’s one of Slovenia's greatest events. On a day before, on Saturday, there is a great Cheese and Wine fest which starts at noon and ends at midnight, so you can have rest for the Kravji Bal.
When | Sunday, 20 September, 2015 - 00:00 |
Country |
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Region | Gorenjska |
City | Ukanc |
Address | |
Description Information in local language
Kravji Bal
Je najstarejša prireditev, ki je bila do petdesetih let predvsem praznik za domačine, ki so se skupaj s planšarji in gostinci veselili ob koncu turistične in pašne sezone. Turistično društvo Bohinj prireditev organizira sedaj že več kot 50 let. Na prireditvi sodelujejo planšarji in majerji, ki z višje ležečih planin privedejo okrašene trope živine in na ramenih prinesejo “basengo” – vse kar potrebujejo za izdelavo sira in druge stvari, ki so potrebne za življenje na planini. V idiličnem Ukancu vedno poskrbimo za bogat program z dobrim ansamblom, folkloro in godbo na pihala ter za dobro domačo hrano in pijačo. Kravji bal je pravi bohinjski praznik, ki ga ne smete zamuditi.
The charm of the Bohinj valley has always been that undefined set back in time way of life, where every year in May alpine herdsmen still go in to the high mountain pastures to take care of the cattle, produce milk and cheese as they have done for centuries.
As the time goes by, before we even notice, the summer has come to an end and it is the time for the alpine herdsmen and their cattle to return from the mountains back into the valley. That is the time for THE FEAST OF THE YEAR organized by the enthusiastic locals. The event taking place on the 20th of September 2015 will be the 59th annual festival. The place to be for the feast will be at the Ukanc village, where we will have the opportunity to see the big "entry" of cows returning back from the mountain pastures followed by the gratitude speech of the elderly alpine herdsmen. The best looking cattle will be rewarded with a bouquet and accompanied by presentation of local dances, food and drinks.
Links of interest
Official Website of Kravji Bal |