Wine Tour in the Tunnels under Kranj Old Town Centre
Kranj is a picturesque historic town above the confluence of two alpine rivers – the Sava and the Kokra. Due to its geographical position – on the junction of important routes, leading from the Northern Europe to the Adriatic Sea and from the Western Europe towards the Eastern Europe – Kranj is also a strong commercial centre. Being the fourth biggest city in Slovenia, Kranj is the industrial, employment, traffic, educational, cultural and sports centre of Gorenjska.
When | Friday, 13 November, 2015 - 00:00 to Sunday, 15 November, 2015 - 00:00 |
Country |
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Region | Gorenjska |
City | Kranj |
Address | |
Description Information in local language
Vinska pot v rovih pod starim Kranjem
Leta 2008 je Zavod za turizem Kranj odprl Rove pod starim Kranjem in že prvo jesen organiziral v njih tudi Vinsko pot. Doslej se je obiskovalcem na več kot 1.300 metrih rovov predstavilo že več kot 75 različnih vinarjev iz vseh vinorodnih področij Slovenije in tujine. Dogodek vsako leto obišče preko 3.000 ljubiteljev vinske kapljice, ki se radi vračajo. Spoznavanje raznolikosti vin, značilnosti pridelovalcev in načinov kletarjenja vsako leto spremlja tudi pestra kulinarična ponudba ter zabaven spremljevalni program. Letos so se dogodku pridružili tudi gostinci v starem Kranju, ki bodo z degustacijami vina in zabavnim programom poskrbeli za nepozabno doživetje obiskovalcev.
Na prireditvi bomo tudi letos poskrbeli za pester in živahen glasbeni ter animacijski program. Na kanjonu Kokre boste lahko ves dan uživali ob zvokih harmonike, v mali dvorani pa ob zabavnem programu ansambla. Vinsko pot bo obiskala tudi vinska kraljica.
Vinska pot se letos širi tudi v staro mestno jedro, kjer bo potekala tudi degustacija ter prodaja vina. Številni gostinci pa pripravljajo tudi pester zabaven program.
One of the main tourist attractions of the town are the tunnels under the old town centre. So far, more than 50.000 people have visited them. In the tunnels, many interesting events have been organised for both adults and children.
From 13th November to 15th November 2015, you are kindly invited to the WINE TOUR in the tunnels under the Kranj old town centre. Wine producers from all over Slovenia will give presentations of their work at this event. There will also be wine tasting and different bread and meat products to sample. A good atmosphere is ensured with a music and entertainment programme.
In 2009, the tunnels received a special award, known as Srebrni Sejalec (the Silver Sower) – this is a prize for creative and innovative achievements in tourism which contribute to the increased popularity of Slovenia’s tourist attractions and services.
The Tourist Board of Kranj, Glavni trg 2, 4000 Kranj,
Tel: 00 386 4 238 04 54,
Tel: 00 386 4 23 80 450 ,
Links of interest
Kranj Tourist Board |
The Official Travel Guide by Slovenian Tourist Board |