Traditional Festival Vinska Vigred
Vinska Vigred is a traditional tourist viticultural and cultural event, which takes place in the old town of Metlika and extends to three days.
When | Friday, 20 May, 2016 - 17:00 to Sunday, 22 May, 2016 - 00:00 |
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City | Metlika |
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Description Information in local language
Vinska Vigred
Ni je vigredi do metliške Vinske vigredi. V času, ko se pomlad že spogleduje s poletjem, ko je narava vsa cvetoča in pojoča, se v starem mestnem jedru dogaja turistično vinarsko kulturna prireditev. Obiskovalcem in gostom bo popestrila tri dni v sivem vsakdanjiku. Vinska vigred že vrsto let temelji na ocenjevanju in razstavi belokranjskih vin, ocenjevanju in peki belokranjske pogače, ter izboru kraljice metliške črnine. S tem se ohranja predvsem tekmovalni duh, ki zagotavlja kakovost izdelkov in nam omogoča, da obiskovalcem ponudimo le najboljše.
Celotno prireditev obogati raznovrsten kulturni program v katerem nastopajo različne folklorne, pevske in plesne skupine, ansambli ter posamezniki, pokušina preko 300 različnih vzorcev vin, razstava kulinarike in domače obrti in še in še. Tudi najmlajšim ne bo dolgčas. Nihče ne bo ne lačen ne žejen, saj bo staro mestno jedro dišalo po jagenjčku in odojku z ražnja. Tudi najmljašim ne bo dolgčas. Vinska vigred poskrbi za vaše telo in dušo ter Vam omogoči čudovite trenutke v družbi prijaznih Belokranjcev
Initially the purpose of the event was evaluation and exhibition of wines, which has been preserved until the present day, but now it is also accompanied by the evaluation of the Bela krajina flat cake. This certainly preserves the competitive spirit, which guarantees quality products and only the best of everything to be offered to visitors. Today we are proud to offer Metliška črnina PTP and Belokranjec PTP to “spice up” the local flat cake.
Visitors can enjoy attending a rich cultural programme, which includes various folklore, song, and dance groups, ensembles or individuals. They can also have a taste of over 300 different wine samples, examine the culinary exhibition and local crafts exhibition, visit one of the museums or a gallery, make the Bela krajina flat cake by themselves, taste grilled lambkin or piglet, whereas the young ones can have extra fun at the fun fair, and thus all can spend wonderful moments in the company of friendly local people. Vinska Vigred invites all to experience the landscape and its people to the fullest.
Links of interest
Metlika Tourist Board |
Slovenian Tourist Board Official Site |