General information
Information in local languageNajvečja in najbolj odmevna kulturno – turistična prireditev, ki jo obišče že preko 30.000 obiskovalcev iz domače ter sosednjih italijanskih in avstrijskih pokrajin, je vsekakor Praznik češenj. Dogodek poln etnoloških vsebin, kulturnih in športnih prireditev ter zabave za vse generacije.
Kolesarski maraton češenj 31.5.2014
Dogodka se vsako leto udeleži preko 1.000 kolesarskih navdušencev, ki pridno seštevajo prekolesarjene kilometre na poti iz Ljubljane v Brda, Dobrovo.
Pohod od češnje do češnje 1.6.2014
Udeleženci skupaj s poznavalci briške pokrajine »osvajajo« briške griče. Pot se vije skozi vasice, vinograde in sadovnjake, kjer z dreves pozdravljajo hrustljave, rdeče češnje.
Dan odprtih kleti 31.5 - 1.6.2014
Vrata odprejo številni briški vinarji. Popeljali vas bodo v osrčje svojih kleti, med vinske sode, kjer vas bodo navdušili z izvrstnimi vini, s poznavalci vin izmenjali izkušnje in delili dragocene nasvete o umetnosti kletarjenja.
Tradicionalna povorka 8.6.2014
Osrednji del Praznika češenj je že tradicionalno namenjen povorki kmečkih vozov. Brici in Brike na vozovih skušajo obiskovalcem približati briško kmečko življenje, briške običaje in navade.
Dne 7.6.2014 poteka tudi Briška poroka, »Noviča in novič« ,se bosta vzela po starih briških šegah in navadah, v kostumih, po obredu z etnološkimi elementi, značilnimi za briške poroke.
Don’t miss the following events, which are a part of the festival:
Cherry Cycling Marathon
More than 1,000 cycling enthusiast participate in this event starting in Ljubljana and finishing in Brda.
Hike from a cherry tree to a cherry tree
Together with the experts on the Brda region, the participants “conquer” the Brda hills. The route winds its way through villages, vineyards and orchards full of cherries.
Wine Day
Numerous winemakers open the doors to their wine cellars. They will show the heart of their wine cellar and impress you with high-quality wines. They will share experiences with wine connoisseurs and give valuable tips about the art of winemaking.
Cherry Queen Pageant
The flattering title Cherry Queen goes to a likeable, resourceful and creative girl who keeps the Brda region close to her heart and will proudly and courageously promote it at tourist events at home and abroad.
Traditional Parade
The central part of the Cherry Festival is the traditional parade of country carts. With them the inhabitants of Brda try to present the rural life and customs and habits of the Brda region.
Nordic Walking
Accompanied by experienced and educated guides, the hikers will enjoy the 10 km route full of wonderful views and beauties of the Brda and neighbouring regions.
Traditional Brda Wedding
The traditional Brda wedding found its place in the Cherry Festival in 2012. After several months of events, the winning couple promised each other the eternal love in a unique and unforgettable way. The newlyweds got married according to traditional Brda customs and habits, in costumes and in a ceremony with ethnological elements characteristic for Brda weddings between 1920 and 1930.